Pennine Productions is an independent radio production company, based in the North, and making programmes for BBC Radio. The two partners in the company are Janet Graves, journalist and former producer of Woman's Hour on Radio 4, and Clare Jenkins, journalist and broadcaster.


What We Do

  • We make radio documentaries and features


  • We compile CDs and podcasts for individuals, organisations and companies


  • We can, by creating unique podcasts, literally give your websites a voice


  • We work with actors, presenters and writers


  • We deliver media training and masterclasses. We specialise in giving media training to women, helping women to tell their stories and/or sell their products or companies through the media


  • We work on oral history projects and deliver oral history training - just let us know your needs


We are both passionate about story-telling, human interest and oral history. We have also commissioned new writing from established authors and worked with actors to create short stories for broadcast on Radio 4.


Working with Manchester-based studio manager Mike Thornton we can record live events, live panels and discussions and reproduce those as podcasts for websites.